Thursday, November 28, 2013

Neither time nor distance

Neither time nor distance
Can make me lose my place
I am here, still waiting
A pin in outerspace

Neither weather nor change
Can stop this absolute
A universal truth
That no one can refute

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Yesterday's clouds are gone

Yesterday's clouds are gone
My childhood disappeared
My youth spent getting wise
Now old age has appeared

So much for the journey
No use turning around
The turns in the road hide
The past and travelled ground

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Once at the beginning

Once at the beginning
From crawl to being tall
Took time to recover
From an initial stall

Can’t erase but fading
Feelings no longer raw
Life is never perfect
Just living is a flaw

The paintbrush tipped in blue

The paintbrush tipped in blue
The yellow of the day
Has gone and disappeared
The melancholy way

A canvas without sun
The blue, a deep midnight
Everything in shadows
Without a source of light

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Pardon the mystery

Pardon the mystery
There is no true and false
Except we live and die
From heartbeat to no pulse

So it all means nothing
Enjoy it while you can
Live life to the fullest
With or without a plan

Monday, November 18, 2013

Did all the trees just sneeze

Did all the trees just sneeze
Before the coming freeze
Their leaves are in the breeze
Across the flat landscape

And the warmth of the sun
Is quickly on the run
The setting is all done
When the last rays escape

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Is it impossible

Is it impossible
Out of time, out of place
To find our hearts empty
Love gone without a trace

Vessels without content
Feelings thrown overboard
Letting memories go
Resigned to cut the cord

Unable to improvise

Unable to improvise
Like clockwork precision
Designed for answers while
Not making decisions

The universal laws
Evident, abiding
Existing without flaws

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Sadness in deep blue skies

Sadness in deep blue skies
And in the sun drenched trees
After a rain shower
That woke the sleeping bees

Sadness like big boulders
Fallen and disheveled
That won’t move again and
Gravity won’t level

In all its true glory

In all its true glory
A spectacular spark
That lights the universe
Like a star in the dark

A moment so shiny
And reflecting the sun
A beacon of beauty
The perfection of one

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

No invitation, no

No invitation, no
Beckoning open arms
No about face as Life
Nears the final alarms

Soon the equation ends
Divided by zero
The last moment standing
A victim or hero

Monday, November 11, 2013

The oxygen of life

The oxygen of life
The next essential breath
Inhaling happiness
Escaping certain death

The exclamation point
Alive until dotted
Life is not done until
Still fingers are knotted

Sunday, November 10, 2013

The sun setting through trees

The sun setting through trees
The last aria note
A day disappearing
And another verse wrote

Try to find the beauty
Fleeting and passing by
The briefness of sunset
And then a sunless sky

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Is this a step into

Is this a step into
The past or are we just
Trying to arrive at
A family or bust

No interest or want
Or better yet, no need
To interpret the tree
Or to question the seed

Every day a hurdle

Every day a hurdle
Racing to the finish
Survival critical
Energies diminish

Celebrations are few
The nose kept to the grind
No time to find answers
What's the use, nevermind

Monday, November 4, 2013

The silence surrounding

The silence surrounding
The peace of outerspace
The hush of a snowfall
In a cold winter’s place

In darkness or in white
The purity and grace
The taming of the wild
And raucous human race

Sunday, November 3, 2013

In this arid desert

In this arid desert
Sand no longer inspires
Too much of one thing just
Extinguishes the fires

My soul now wants the sea
Without a patch of land
Until too much ocean
Leaves me begging for sand