Sunday, July 30, 2023

Perfection is crumbled

Perfection is crumbled
Wrinkled and balled for waste
Fractional percentage
Subtracted from the base

The judgement of roses
That sunflowers escape
Be kind to yourself and
Change your inner landscape

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Emotions in order

Emotions in order
And thoughts have found their slots
But the self keeps forming
More connecting the dots

I’m always unfinished 
Still drafting and sketching
Open experience 
Scratching before etching

In a timeless effort

In a timeless effort
Once modern, now antique
Books, art, films and science
Even the words we speak

Fires, giant forest fires
Out, but the land beneath
Transient witness yet
The constant we bequeath 

Two chocolate milkshakes

Two chocolate milkshakes
Melting on the boardwalk
Beneath the twisted limbs
Just missing outline chalk

Some late tulip wilting
Not escaping the sun
Then jumping to their feet
When calling 9-1-1

So much sunlight passing

So much sunlight passing
Little on Earth landing
We keep turning, turning
Seeking understanding

Relationships tangent
Countless strangers unknown
The background of our days
More cloth than what is sewn

Magnificent and not

Magnificent and not 
Both boastful and disdain
The flooding or the cleanse
The full spectrum of rain 

The striving and lurching
The unreachable post
Wanting to be better
Fulfilling life the most

The curved line of green trees

The curved line of green trees
Above, a bowl of blue
Highways scratched on landscapes
Both crisscrossing and skew

An eastern sun rising
The fog, morning bed sheets
The corn more than knee high
Cool air, before it heats

Saturday, July 22, 2023

In the great vanishing

In the great vanishing
The soul on my shoulder
We gifted each other
Now gone, I am older

Seeing with our eyes closed
Feeling without touching
Love like light, filling space
With no need of clutching

Friday, July 21, 2023

In a bent, past the bend

In a bent, past the bend
What cannot be undone
Broken limb or words said
Bullet shot, hit and run

In a show of great strength
A weak crease created
A breaking book spine in
Time disintegrated 

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Not paving these dirt roads

Not paving these dirt roads
Marked by success and fails
Traveled with purpose but
Dissipating contrails

No matter my focus
Circumstances come fast 
Altering my course much
Like a loose boom and mast 

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Bare-bones, necessities

Bare-bones, necessities 
The pair of shoes well worn
Left here on the furthest
Of days from being born

The courtship with living
And the date after date
Without matrimony 
Mere engagement and wait

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Unattended sunset

Unattended sunset
The ombré of darkness
The funnels of past days
The commas between larkness

The solitude of walk
Steps fighting gravity
But in the end the pull
To horizontally 

Useless thoughts residing

Useless thoughts residing
No dots left to connect
No brightness in darkness
No pieces to collect

The wind will not take and
The oceans cannot claim
No gravity or cloud
No description or name

Monday, July 10, 2023

In unchartered clouds a

In unchartered clouds a
Slow vessel of safety
Propelled by a shaman
Maneuvering safely

Great guidance from sinking
Two buoys forming one
Bonded by love and trust
They will port in the sun

All these golden bars buried

All these golden bars buried
Beneath plastic flowers
In a finite field for
An infinite of hours

The sound of the highway
Finds no audience here
The stones slabbing spirits
Marking the disappear

Moments pulled like phyllo

Moments pulled like phyllo
For full transparency 
Seeing the circumstance
I knew inherently 

Pulling further until
The holes begin to form
And with perfect vision
I see the misinform

Ancient religions ring

Ancient religions ring
Their God never responds
Painted ceilings of saints
Other silent beyonds

With dim candles burning
Failing to blaze a trail
Too many prayers left
At the kneeler and rail

Friday, July 7, 2023

Certainty unbalanced

Certainty unbalanced
The pedestal rocking
Rotation is spiral
Tall strangers are knocking

Predictable todays
Can have surprise outcomes
Fractions of fruitions
Hardly ever lump sums

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Taking X to cradle

Taking X to cradle
Unknowns can fall apart
But if they don’t, I’ll sing
A lullaby of heart

Someday they may find prism
And what we know of light
Will Roy G. Biv, or else
Will rock all day and night

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Gigantic obstacle

Gigantic obstacle
I burrowed underground
Turning inside out and
Emerging newly found

Beyond these decades wall
With my third set of teeth
A wiser survivor
No need to dig beneath

Saturday, July 1, 2023

In these my last chapters

In these my last chapters
What is written is wrote
No need for editing
What was said is in quote

Regrets and loveliness 
Things I would change and not
Growth and understanding
Have led me to this spot