Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Happiness is a youth

Happiness is a youth
At the start of each day
It is old age at night
When wisdom hits the hay

It is Life in between
Understanding others
It's walking together
Should we have the druthers

Sunday, May 27, 2018

We never petitioned

We never petitioned
Who we are invited
The robber, the taker
Who can't be indicted

Our open book unread
But surely edited
We're positive of Truth
You'll speak the negative

Interruption of Life

Interruption of Life
In living as designed
A host to the culprit
Winter creeper vined

Loving the liberty
An afternoon lazy
Thoughts grow strong as an oak
Brighter than a daisy

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Are you starving to death

Are you starving to death
Searching for the next meal
Just wanting to be fed
By those willing to kneel

A queen of the jungle
In chaotic repose
Cannot be the ruler
Of people who oppose

No justification

No justification
The anger unfounded
We who have empathy
Are truly confounded

We understand feelings
And we look for root cause
But why all the anger
It has given us pause

Monday, May 21, 2018

Here after the escape

Here after the escape
The future opens wide
Red Sea parting or the
Continental divide

Poised with purpose and joy
Blank canvas or clean slate
Even if there is void
It's a happier state

Each other's witness of

Each other's witness of
The passing of events
Twenty-twenty vision
Counter acting invents

We hold the flag of truth
We love ourselves and such
We cannot be broken
By someone out of touch

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Up with the great heron

Up with the great heron
The morning round begins
The internal clock ticks
The DNA within

The rising sun awakes
While the clouds still slumber
As the great heron flies
Single in its number

Emotional grace can

Emotional grace can
Make the abstract a line
The description simple
The unadorned define

The complex equation
Derivative, divide
Are absent and useless
And cannot be applied

How did we arrive here

How did we arrive here
Looking back at the road
We bloomed in the desert
And in darkness we glowed

Floating in flood waters
And dancing in the breeze
In the company of
Cold hearts - we didn't freeze

Can we find our freedom

Can we find our freedom
Void of past and regrets
Peaceful waters after
The forgives and forgets

Out from the tragedy
Does hurt ever recede
When you can still feel the
Pain long after the bleed

We are no longer prey

We are no longer prey
Once mere rabbits, now owls
This is not surrender though
We've thrown in the towels

To have not chosen war
The wisest maneuver
To rise above, transcend
Where we can't smell manure

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Resurrecting the past

Resurrecting the past
With a critical eye
Deserving of answers 
That could never comply

Knowing the truth and not
The perpetual lie
We wrangled its future
And its don of disguise

It was always that way

It was always that way
How I missed the markers
Clearly on the road with
The Barrows and Barkers

All the intersections
Left waiting for the light
With patience and silence
Not putting up a fight

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Looking far past myself

Looking far past myself
To lose the sense of me
A tree in the forest
Above the canopy

In the ether of dreams
Mankind wanting kindness
In order to arrive
Justice must have blindness

Sometimes it is soft words

Sometimes it is soft words
That strike the hardest blow
They are not tidal waves
But a strong undertow

To find myself fighting
An invisible force
The pulling of center
A top spinning off course

Life for some shallow words

Life for some shallow words
What’s up? Nothing much here.
Got nothing—then something
Is obviously clear

Life for some nothing words
Your life or some other
Disconnect or reject
Think child, father, mother

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Perhaps this is nothing

Perhaps this is nothing
Stars thrown about like dust
Our hearts weighted by the
Inevitable must

Hitchhiking ideas
Or is it rule of thumb
Feeling none the wiser
Yet standing here more plumb