Wednesday, May 31, 2017

We can't erase nor should

No, we can't erase nor
Should we be so inclined
To rewrite history
We must always decline

Forego the eraser
And hope for erosion
Slowly lose feeling of
The harmful explosion

We're each other's witness

We're each other's witness
Our paintings are the same
The road we are taking
Target a single aim

Happiness at stake
Our memories in sync
Resolved or wrestling, we're
An unbreakable link

Give me an eraser

Give me an eraser
Years of math formulas
Crammed in on a chalkboard
Upside down umbrellas

Useless calculations
Just detours to dead-ends
And finding the premise
Was flawed and we're not friends

Living with absolutes

Living with absolutes
Always and the never
Perfect days are seldom
Purely about weather

Finding a common ground
Should be found in our dreams
Future understanding
Our true selves forming teams

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Love, loving, lovable

Love, loving, lovable
Won, wonder, wonderful
Greatest, greatness, grateful
Together progression

Think, thinker, thoughtfulness
Heart, heartfelt, heartiness
Care, careful, carefulness
Purposeful intentions

An ocean of future

An ocean of future
With no walls before us
Seeking to be happy
A state of glorious

Even in the mundane
A sense of contentment
Coming back from the roots
Our own self-investment

Saturday, May 20, 2017

It is not very smart

It is not very smart
To always question why
Searching for unknowns in
A clueless, starry sky

Connecting the dots makes
Astrological signs
Mythical, meaningless
Just colors, shapes and lines

It is like starvation

It is like starvation
With the occasional
Cupcake or some dessert
Too presentational

Something that says how much
I care for you my pet
Silences the rumblings
And says that I've been fed

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Another moon rises

Another moon rises
A beautiful sunset
Perhaps only weather
Is all we should collect

Right amounts of rainfall
The comfort found in shade
Not the successes or
The messes that we made

The great blue heron is

The great blue heron is
Making its morning rounds
Commuter cars noting
The road with traffic sounds

Another day the same
Still unlike no other
Each day is a new born
Children of one mother

Sitting breaking pencils

Sitting breaking pencils
Struggling to find a start
Words with empty meanings
Not expressing my heart

I've forgotten the hurt
So perhaps I have healed
Like a wound now a scar
The emotions are sealed

Thinking what I should write

Thinking what I should write
Has the strangest outcome
It seems more militant
Beats of a marching drum

Words without any wings
Speeches from  broken shoes
Perhaps intelligent
But emotional ruse

There are no good reasons

There are no good reasons
None - not to buy peaches
Summer ripe and gold, the
Color each one reaches

Apples with worms, for sure
Or bad lettuce, reject
But a perfect peach should
Only hear, I accept

Too inarticulate

Too inarticulate
No words, what's it about
Emotions bigger than
Vocabulary's shout

In the movements of dance
From the solar plexus
We can share expression
And how it affects us

Finding a brilliant day

Finding a brilliant day
When skies are overcast
Trying to savor time
When always moving fast

Retreating to a place
Where love resides in peace
Waiting to enfold hearts
In a bountiful fleece

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Sending arching arrows

Sending arching arrows
Like comets bent in skies
Striving for a distance
Where a sleeping dream lies

Wake up in a fury
Spread tendrils from the feet
Bud, flower then fruit
Repeat, repeat, repeat

Friday, May 12, 2017

I am living my life

I am living my life
Trying to self-propel
It is all about verbs
Present tense and do tell

Not sustaining moments
Must keep a momentum
Because the here and now
Is just a mere mention

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Be a ball, not a box

Be a ball, not a box
When trouble finds your day
It can't sit and pile up
Just roll another way

Can't keep it all inside
Keep moving and change course
Why be a mountain when
When you can be a force

I have a follower

I have a follower
She is the very first
She's Annie W
My silent wall has burst

Now someone in this World
Can hear my quiet song
Thanks Annie W
Welcome and sing along

Perhaps this time of peace

Perhaps this time of peace
Will end this quest of search
Stop looking at the stars
For answers here on Earth

Baptize myself with grace
Accept unknowns are truths
Quit battles with questions
And shrug to find a truce

Entitled to anger

Entitled to anger
It's justifiable
But you reside where the
Truth is not viable

I cannot shoot the horse
When it is the rider
Please know it is not you
As the crack grows wider

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Here we are together

Here we are together
Birds of the same feather
In good and bad weather
Eye to eye, side by side

Youth exhausted and spent
With dreams that came and went
Knowing what time has meant
Hand in hand, stride by stride

Waiting on a future

Waiting on a future
The present ticking by
Watching the clouds passing
On a blue backdrop sky

Thinking beyond moments
Ignoring here and now
Impending problems are
Begging for answers how