Thursday, December 26, 2013

Bittersweet memories

Bittersweet memories
Like knots in shoelaces
Unable to undo
The names and old places

Remembering the when
The mind is still clutching
Young hearts that held hands that
No longer are touching

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Too much peripheral

Too much peripheral
Constellations abound
Hearing a symphony
And not a note of sound

Trying to concentrate
To remove a loose thread
The fabric gathers as
A snag becomes widespread

Drowning in past tenses

Drowning in past tenses
An old coat or sweater
Witness to the moments
And the changing weather

With shoes showing the wear
That travelled the distance
Avenues change to trails
Living to existence

Monday, December 23, 2013

This is how I found you

This is how I found you
Like unearthing a gem
I happen to dig here
On circumstance and whim

And to the very day
And after all these years
Your voice still sings out and
Attracts the passing ears

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Accomplished yet failing

Accomplished yet failing
The best losing the race
Forget the triumphant
Or coming in first place

Just lucky to finish
Expectations were high
Yearning for applause but
Only hearing a sigh

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Here on the shortest day

Here on the shortest day
Caught longing for the past
A year ahead waiting
This year, just days to last

The gray clouds are raining
The snow melting away
Looking back at the words
And what they had to say

Somewhere in the pauses

Somewhere in the pauses
In between the black notes
Waiting for the inhale
Not the melody wrote

Is where the music sleeps
Cradled in the rhythm
In the movement of the
Performing musician

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

In the darkness of night

In the darkness of night
The absence of sunlight
The snow falls, white on white
While heading off to bed

The last hours are shrinking
The eyes slowly blinking
In a deep sleep sinking
Another day ahead

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Great within its timeframe

Great within its timeframe
Its beauty has expired
Replaced by something new
That is now more desired

We used to wait decades
For signs of advancement
Now a matter of months
Pass between enhancements

Captive without prisons

Captive without prisons
Caught in an open door
Free to wander far but
Only circle the floor

Exist with useless wings
Beneath a cloud filled dome
See lights in the distance
Yet cannot find a home

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Trading the fire for flint

Trading the fire for flint
To go back to the source
Far from the consuming
And all powerful force

Yearning for ignition
For the initial spark
Small fragment of friction
That dazzles in the dark

Monday, December 9, 2013

Making up for lost time

Making up for lost time
Rushing to get things done
Tying up loose threads and
Instead of walking, run

Working under deadlines
Important to complete
Making quick decisions
While thinking on my feet

Sunday, December 8, 2013

The future has arrived

The future has arrived
It is now present tense
Ready to leap forward
Up and over its fence

Abandoning the past
It can not be more clear
What was once far away
Now suddenly is here

Friday, December 6, 2013

No greater or less than

No greater or less than
Simply equality
The equation includes

Rights for one, then for all
For we cannot divide
The human race deserves
Respectfulness and pride

Thursday, December 5, 2013

To begin at the end

To begin at the end
At the finish, a start
A new chapter or book
A new science or art

To venture out further
Raise a flag on fresh ground
For just making a sound

Exposed but never learned

Exposed but never learned
The mind no longer maps
Left or right, front or back
No way to fill the gaps

Remembering details
From years and years ago
Yet yesterday is lost
The present turned to snow

Falling far from the tree

Falling far from the tree
Did the wind carry me
This field may as well be
An ocean full of tears

And gone is my childhood
Always misunderstood
But striving to be good
While facing all my fears

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Failing to live by such

Failing to live by such
Narrow criteria
Only charters a course
North of Siberia

Unable to comply
Yet wanting liberty
Better to be cold than
Warm in captivity

Sunday, December 1, 2013

A snowy afternoon

A snowy afternoon
The snow clouds grey and cold
Corn fields alternating
With rows of white and gold

Hawks sitting in bare trees
No sun to lead us west
The snow forming pillows
As nature takes a rest