Monday, March 31, 2014

Months before the planting

Months before the planting
While the tress are still bare
In April when the sun
Is starting its long stare

We cross again in time
Arriving to renew
The commitment to Life
A future to pursue

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Growing old, forgetting

Growing old, forgetting
All the names and places
Memories once cherished
Fading without traces

What year is it, what day
How many weeks ‘til Spring
Forsythia blooming
Leaves on pin oak trees cling

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Trying hard but failing

Trying hard but failing
The weather won’t behave
Tomorrow is useless
No courage to be brave

Struggle after struggle
And nothing to be got
Just moments after death
Indifference, forgot

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Cannot find the haystack

Cannot find the haystack
Or the needle inside
Somewhere far below in
The water ocean wide

Passengers on the plane
That will never arrive
Loved ones losing hope that
They are safe and alive

Monday, March 24, 2014

There is no melody

There is no melody
The notes no longer flow
Instruments are silent
Not a whistle blow

While words become useless
No meaning and no rhyme
Jumbled cacophony
And not in measured time

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Healing in privacy

Healing in privacy
The rings beneath the bark
Facing the morning sun
Holding onto the dark

Not showing any wounds
All internal bleeding
No sign of scars or scabs
Or the pain receding

Thursday, March 20, 2014

A Grand Canyon of years

A Grand Canyon of years
Here, where there is no sun
Chasing the horizon
So unfulfilled, not one

In the absence of Life
Your Life, that is no more
I am living, waiting
Here, at your final door

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A blank canvas, a cloud

A blank canvas, a cloud
A fog that disappears
Painting the town red as
The evening moon appears

And before the paint dries
The sun begins to start
A new day to chase dreams
Without a map or chart

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Another place and time

Another place and time
Going back just to see
The beauty passing by
Early rings of the tree

Unlike the stars and stones
Or the moon we admire
Our lives are full of change
Inception to expire

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Airplanes disappearing

Airplanes disappearing
Borders under patrol
Ice caps slowly melting
As far as the North Pole

Quietly the cat sleeps
Curled up and confident
Their world at this moment
Is complete and content

Waiting for the darkness

Waiting for the darkness
The sun beneath the line
All day mending pieces
Dreams fallen from cloud nine

Longing for tomorrow
Today all used and spent
The sun sets like a dirge
The twilight, its lament

Monday, March 10, 2014

The past follows me like

The past follows me like
Shadows beneath my feet
No matter if I run
They will never retreat

Must I live in darkness
I will never forget
Each step in the future
A resounding regret

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Too many coats of paint

Too many coats of paint
What was the first feeling
Lost inside the layers
Of loose chips and peeling

The brushstrokes on gesso
The inspiration new
The lost fresh expression
The color, tint and hue

Sunday, March 2, 2014

In this diversity

In this diversity
A fingerprint is mine
Unlike any other
Across all space and time

Yet insignificant
Trying to leave a mark
Numbers are infinite
In the darkness, a spark