Monday, June 30, 2014

Enough of this pretense

Enough of this pretense
Today was just fiction
No element of truth
Or sign of conviction

With pathetic results
Not anything worthwhile
Mounds and mounds of nothing
But shame and denial

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Not playing tic, tac, toe

Not playing tic, tac, toe
Simply walking away
No longer on the grid
No X, no O, no way

Like a moon traveling
From where it once had spun
Or a planet breaking
Its spin around its sun

The final fingerprint

The final fingerprint
Are these the final words
Are these the last actions
Before the past tense verbs

From the womb to numbness
Giving life but not love
Even the last touch is
Delivered with a glove

Monday, June 23, 2014

These senseless religions

These senseless religions
Beliefs cannot be law
Just because it’s written
Doesn’t free it from flaw

There are rules to nature
That shalt not steal or kill
Godless and logical
Than faith can move a hill

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Drowning in the vastness

Drowning in the vastness
As big as time and space
While staring at the pores
That stretch across my face

The Universe expands
My understanding less
No nearer to the truth
The answers, just a guess

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Not much thirst for the here

Not much thirst for the here
Nor much taste for the now
There is nothing to reap
After years at the plow

Leaving nothing behind
No real value or worth
Inevitable death
Insignificant birth

Where are the buttercups

Where are the buttercups
Like my childhood, they’re gone
In this one day of Life
Now more twilight than dawn

Remembering when we
Held them under our chin
The more butter we liked
The more gold on our skin

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Definition of me

Definition of me
A thread of DNA
The pressure of a thumb
Against my spinning clay

The patterns of the iris
A single fingerprint
The poetry published
Is merely just a hint

Monday, June 9, 2014

To see the World again

To see the World again
Without knowledge or proof
The beauty of dreaming
Before bubbles go poof

With the eyes of a child
Still puzzled and staring
At the wonder and awe
Without reason glaring

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Here again the distance

Here again the distance
Steps between life and death
Circles of time racing
Until the final breath

Gardens of hopes and dreams
Each seed not a flower
Too late to plant a tree
Never see it tower

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Dreaming of long distance

Dreaming of long distance
Further than I can see
Past the mountains, the clouds,
The sky or galaxy

As far as yesterday
Beyond my reach or touch
Possessing all of time
Doesn’t add up to much

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Here another sunrise

Here another sunrise
Another day unique
The morning dew and fog
Cover the hillside peak

Celebrate the instant
The blossoming of now
The exhilaration
Before the sunset bow

Insignificant Life

Insignificant Life
Even decades destroyed
By the pressures of time
The moments we enjoyed

Like lockets of fossils
Irrelevant debris
Along with the battles
And triumphs we decree

Living with exclusions

Living with exclusions
Can’t go here, can’t go there
Avoiding fixed turnstiles
And always splitting hairs

Can’t speak to people that
No longer share your view
And closing books before
The stories can conclude