Saturday, March 31, 2018

Peace from irritation

Peace from irritation
Daily sandpaper rub
Of the Joy of Life club

In this minute of grace
Through my buttonhole realm
The threads of the World threads
Me to the Overwhelm

This want of infinite

This want of infinite
Pure imagination
To describe the finite
Great interpretation

Can the abstract define
Are we simply amused
Are there answers in light
When darkness is refused

Finding forgiveness fails

Finding forgiveness fails
Anger still exploding
All the years swallowing
In silence imploding

The option to forget
Recollecting no more
Can simply be achieved
Just by painting the door

It’s not about gun rights

It’s not about gun rights
It’s about Life and Death
The gun in the wrong hands
Has us all out of breath

Our rights to Life and Peace
Should never be denied
Laws are to protect us
From all Bonnie’s and Clyde

Thinking of Gedney Park

Thinking of Gedney Park
A blinding sunny day
Minutes with my mother
Before the life decay

Swinging plastic golf clubs
Trying to hit balls hard
The only time she played
With me and James Gerard

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

My heart stepped on like an

My heart stepped on like an
Unharvested turnip
My spirit battered like
Mud thrown at a tulip

Surviving primary
No more present danger
Now that the narcissist
Has been made a stranger

Still learning to accept

Still learning to accept
Defeat, matters of loss
Changing my perspective
Coming down from my cross

Buffer the breaking waves
Knowing out there's a swell
Stop wallowing in self
Bodies drowning in hell

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Content without substance

Content without substance
Fortunes not currency
Essence without presence
No words but fluency

Love, the greatest unknown
Recognized from the start
An abstract by design
The highest form of art

Cast intellect aside

Cast intellect aside
And my heart still chose wise
In all forms of weather
Further up are blue skies

Treating myself kindly
Not allowing excuse
Gentle is the daisy
Not deserving abuse

Today as a backdrop

Today as a backdrop
Outside a steady view
Off of the podium
To dance The Blue Danube

Perpetual motion
Ecstasy essential
Together joyousness
Fulfilling potential

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

What of posterity

What of posterity
Behind a wave, a wave
Beside the fledgling tree
One ready for its grave

All ashes to ashes
Arms holding time too tight
A cup of memories
Dreading to forfeit light

The evidence is clear

The evidence is clear
How we are being judged
In the court of your heart
There is only begrudged

In narcissistic spheres
There's never a square deal
Life outside your court is
As good as a repeal

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Scribbles and graffiti

Scribbles and graffiti
Fists on piano keys
Hopeless situations
No matter the decrees

Clouds, blank wrinkled paper
Withholding heavy rains
Peacefully palming the
World and its scattered brains

Saturday, March 17, 2018

These are not dissections

These are not dissections
They are not cross-sections
Or deep introspections
They rise to the surface

Not striking the chords hard
Or cutting veins with shards
Revisiting the scarred
Freeing is the purpose

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Anxious speculation

Anxious speculation
Believe futures are made
We are either planting
Or digging with the spade

No matter the weather
Or bounty of the crop
Hopeful expectations
Are better than the stop

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Answers never changing

Answers never changing
So there's no need to ask
Work for resolution
With each menial task

Continue the current
Create the river stone
And slowly the answer
Will find itself rehoned

The danger of safety

The danger of safety
Regret of calm choices
Being ice waterfalls
And silence in voices

In the fossils of days
Endless time consumption
Stones and sand or mountains
Avalanche! Eruption!

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Anonymous pilgrim

Anonymous pilgrim
Undiscovered comet
Transversing a frontier
Passing through a grommet

Threading the knowledge
Experience retained
Learning and unlearning
Plus and minuses gained

Not longing to journey

Not longing to journey
Reservoir not river
Wanting stillness in Life
Presence not deliver

Without distance and line
Or radius and spoke
A constant, a theorem
A simple truth, an oak

One day, I will let go

One day, I will let go
Years of us and childhood
Buttercups, pets and homes
Kind thoughts misunderstood

Darkness where city lights
Shone beneath a full moon
Joy, sorrow and tension
The infinite maroon

Verses without pronouns

Verses without pronouns
No I or he and she
Night skies void of stars and
The lights of you and me

Over exposed pictures
Or endless bowls of broth
Not velvet or cashmere
Unadorned burlap cloth

All of this - self portrait

All of this - self portrait
Extension of being
Content of envelopes
Unsealed and revealing

Sent in a universe
To addresses unknown
With few corresponding
You are not here alone

Thursday, March 8, 2018

The road least traveled

The road least traveled
A life without witness
No certain destiny
Or true test of litmus

New skin often tender
Cautious of the callous
Avoiding subjection
To ill tempered malice

Trying to change chorus

Trying to change chorus
A better C major
Regretting the notes sung
The high stakes we wagered

Navigating pylons
Merely bonsai and buds
Clipping vines while keeping
Us in darkness like spuds

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Brave to face the battle

Brave to face the battle
Wiser to know the cause
Cheers for protectors and
Their empathy, applause

And for the narcissist
The dust never settles
Declaring victory
With self-proclaimed medals

I'm all tied up in knots

I'm all tied up in knots
Undoing my doing
No sense of scribbled thoughts
Volcanic ash spewing

Endless barbwire battles
As if tangled in stars
No sense of place in space
And no life behind bars