Tuesday, October 30, 2018

With empathy, with love

With empathy, with love
Feeling another's chords
Allow their overflow
To flood your own accords

Dip your brush in their paint
Entwine a common thread
Shout their joy, bleed sadness
Add seating to your head

Saturday, October 27, 2018

This rain does not cleanse me

This rain does not cleanse me
Wanting pure nests of snow
Aging with my regrets
Seeking past tense of go

Craving the curvatures
Land, the sky, a Life's path
We thread but one needle
In this infinite math

This tree will outlive me

This tree will outlive me
But it will not outlive
All is slowly reaching
The bottom of the sieve

Beautiful morning and
Tomorrow morning, too
Regardless, no matter,
Whatever, then adieu

Monday, October 22, 2018

In the port of Point B

In the port of Point B
The boat is small to C
Baggage and cargo from
A can no longer be

Discard, making debris
Needing to stay afloat
Transition to future
Without anchors to tote

Saturday, October 20, 2018

In the petty wars of

In the petty wars of
Narcissistic abuse
Walking on eggshells to
Avoid the necklace noose

Mount Rushmore river rock
Crazy Horse Monument
Running in a crazy
Horse derby tournament

Lines of impulse, intent

Lines of impulse, intent
Calculated or coarse
Secrets, a hush or sigh
Shouts of matter of course

In the past or moment
Eternal albatross
Or the albino moose
Sometimes, the paper toss

Lack of an alphabet

Lack of an alphabet
Without musical notes
No rhythm of movement
Or colors of paint coats

The World wearing its souls
Around it’s neck a clasp
Of moon and wished on stars
Heavy with hopes that lapse

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Here in darkness ignite

Here in darkness ignite
Tulip cup, buttercup
Under pressure in coal
No left, right, down or up

No dividing zero
Original as pi
In the universe and
Not merely beneath sky

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Prejudice religion

Prejudice religion
Gender, race and then gods
Sins and salvations held
By the various rods

All of this DNA
Tribe pitted against tribe
Disrespecting feelings
Of self value and pride

How would we live our years

How would we live our years
If we had known of this
The destructive ones with
The narcissistic kiss

Wiser perhaps stronger
Early journeys to path
Fewer cloudy days and
More joyous without wrath

Reversing the shredding

Reversing the shredding
Finding Truth not my own
Forgiving, forgetting
Dropping rocks never thrown

Choosing to grow flowers
Throw seeds and nurture sprouts
A dense variety
That chokes out all the doubts

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

This thought like a splinter

This thought like a splinter
May as well be lightning
I stand, a single tree
Seeking the enlightening

Soul out in a clearing
Wanting space, instead struck
The search for an answer
A splinter that is stuck

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Born into gravity

Born into gravity
Bearing a camel's hump
An unloving mother
A passive father lump

Trekking without water
Chasing their oasis
Always the end result
Spitting in their faces

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Midday melancholy

Midday melancholy
Accomplishments delayed
Checker board now chess board
The plank must be inlaid

Graduation to grace
Anoint me Big Dipper
Find a stern happiness
The ironclad slipper

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The tip of the iceberg

The tip of the iceberg
The moment at this now
So much Life beneath me
Explains the reason how

Life goes by in a blink
My eyes always squinting
Open the aperture
With no thought of wincing

Inching near the abstract

Inching near the abstract
Losing the match and gas
Dropping the flintstone and
The magnifying glass

A buffalo nickel
To a cashier, five cents
To not know its value
Is the greatest expense

Monday, October 1, 2018

We are blooming and not

We are blooming and not
In some darkness or shade
Here in the open air
This is how we were made

Opening sunflowers
Branching out into space
Standing tall in bright light
From our tips to our base