Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Dropping any pretense

Dropping any pretense
The naked self stands firm
Transparent on canvas
With time the only term

Stepping into future
Requires stepping back
To merely sense the awe
At the richness of black

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Abandoning the brush

Abandoning the brush
Life in two dimensions
The broom has more purpose
And greater intentions

Living reality
Beyond nouns, in action
Off the canvas, structure
Higher number fraction

No philosophy here

No philosophy here
Not insightful or wise
Asking only questions
Without any surmise

Observing water tides
Maybe science will prove
Until then Life is art
And its power to move

Saturday, February 23, 2019

In the summer bounty

In the summer bounty
Two tulips in full cup
Individual bulbs
Together looking up

Beneath a Paris sky
The Eiffel may tower
But the zenith of Life
Is to reach full flower

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Answer the child within

Answer the child within
They are asking for truth
Where was the love that is
Necessary in youth

And the love of the self
That fell under the shoe
Always keeping peace by
Acquiescing to you

Even the future is

Even the future is
Somewhat in the moment
We are a blink, a brief
Outburst and then dormant

All of the joy and angst
Daisy bloom to deadhead
We are living nouns and
The verb in us we shed

Saturday, February 16, 2019

The waves no longer crash

The waves no longer crash
There is only lapping
Gone, the pounding door for
A soft window tapping

Walking without any
Destination to please
Even the uphill climb
Is a journey of ease

Pictures can seem complete

Pictures can seem complete
Only missing a frame
Yet there are still pieces
Needing a place to claim

Overabundant crop
Fruit ripened but not rot
X in the equation
With always more to plot

Days without scrutiny

Days without scrutiny
Can love or hate the moon
Can sing or shout loudly
Arrive too late or soon

Not doing something wrong
Standing for the jury
The court has been dismissed
Living without worry

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Can we find profusion

Can we find profusion
Live in the Overwhelm
From a tall thin trunk to
The bouquet of an elm

Explode and not implode
Bloom in the colossal
Excite for the future
Place the past in fossil

In a state of alert

In a state of alert
Like movement to a fly
Not celebrating worth
Right as rain, right as sky

Working on existence
The flaws, mending fences
But cannot measure up
With endless offenses

After all the answers

After all the answers
The cutting to the bone
And the collapsing of
Jelly foundation stone

Our flag is still standing
The pillar sense of we
Nothing so singular
Or all about the me