Friday, April 30, 2021

Peace is a point of view

Peace is a point of view
Loving and accepting
Unconditional, not
Trying or excepting

The helium of thoughts
Unknowns and knowns sleeping
A surprise melody
To keep for safekeeping

Once there was too much you

Once there was too much you
You wild strawberry vine
All sweet red and spreading
I did not toe your line

I had to dig it out
You could not be contained
From corner to corner
No matter my terrain

Thursday, April 29, 2021

The mistakes I have made

The mistakes I have made
Some obvious, some not
The ones I have undone
The ones still in a knot

Failed choices or actions
Or no action at all
Saying the wrong words or
Not answering the call

Life is a mystery

Life is a mystery
Ah, but living is not
Self-propel, survive from
The unfortunate lot

Garden tend happiness
And stake the weaker stems
Know it is not just you
But we and us and thems

I feel your worn out shoes

I feel your worn out shoes
The empty stomach knot
Where the future is just
Finding a safe warm spot

Walking further and far
Treading as time crawls by
Asking for nothing from
The passing cars that fly

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

In the confessional

In the confessional
Asserting made-up sins
Asking our Father his
Forgiveness of these spins

Then he dispensed the
Same old set of prayers
I jabbered them and left
Having cleansed my affairs

Running in Chinatown

Running in Chinatown
Up to the bowery
Past CBGBs with
No power left in me

The city that never sleeps
An early Saturday
Passing only night owls
That quickly flew away

Slices of skyscrapers

Slices of skyscrapers
Against the rising sun
The great blue heron is
Making its morning run

A sparrow builds a nest
In a balcony seat
While hospital workers
Like robins, cross the street

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Thrown into the placid

Thrown into the placid 
Just how far will we go
In light over darkness 
With the little we know 

A mark then another 
Wait, a few more have shown
Then a splash, a ripple 
Our Life a skipping stone

Future needs to sit down

Future needs to sit down
There's so much to discuss
Past, please give up your seat
And don't make such a fuss

We can all sit and hear
Give our input and themes
To make chances better
For the new hopes and dreams

Saturday, April 24, 2021

This thought must be kept brief

This thought must be kept brief
The same road, the same view
The granular is known
The pebble in the shoe

Conclusions are now facts
Assumptions proven right
Yet again arriving
Here long after the fight

A late April snowfall

A late April snowfall
A moment of reflect
And yet a longing for
A future intersect

With clothing left folded
Like banks of snow on shelves
Waiting for warm weather
To thaw upon ourselves

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Happiness golden egg

Happiness golden egg
Adorned in painted Klimt
Moments stretched on plateaus
Long sunlight from a glint

Sensing a solid ground
With veins rushing with blood
Breathing air of the day
A nyctinastic bud

Not my experience

Not my experience
Is the poorest excuse
And not having lived it
Does not permit recuse

Feeling as others feel
Know the Atlas burden
Sense it in the gut as
If you had occurred in

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Understanding others

Understanding others
Without judgment or grade
Knowing how each of us
Are differently made

Even amongst the woods
Each tree is still unique 
Let’s celebrate, applaud 
And refrain from critique 

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Abandonment is not

Abandonment is not
The same as discarded
Losing all Hope for the
One choice called Departed

Becoming M.I.A.
Not prisoner of war
Happier without Hope
Than battle evermore 

Sunday, April 18, 2021

The pencil is sharper

The pencil is sharper
Words like heavy apples
Fluidity swelling
Meaning without grapples

A steady lighthouse beam
Soul interrogation
Collecting judgment rocks
To form a foundation

Saturday, April 17, 2021

In a tunnel under

In a tunnel under
A highway on the shore
We shouted as echoes
Wrote their descendo score

Our trip to the ocean
Collectively a wish
Wading and jumping waves
And bringing home starfish

A fortune of spent time

A fortune of spent time
Surely we all die poor
Two bits or two cents tossed
Penniless through the door

In the final release
We all bankrupt on time
Can we share this moment
Like it was our last dime

Friday, April 16, 2021

A root vegetable

A root vegetable
A carrot or turnip
Not a rose or lily
Baby's breath or tulip

Not one for a bouquet
Never meant for a vase
It grows far deeper in 
And swells up at its base

An iceberg of a thought

An iceberg of a thought
Words of a paragraph
A mere hint of the Self
In a small autograph

Left to right horizon
Or the equator line
The strength of character
The vertebrae of spine

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

I had to dig it up

I had to dig it up
My soil is not its home
It was taking over
With radii of rizome

Not willing to abut and
Maintain its location
It hoped to permeate
And gain annexation

These perennial friends

These perennial friends
Our days are without glue
Oceans of time apart
Yet words not overdue

How often are your blooms
Are you now in season
How wonderful it is
These old shoes we ease in

Monday, April 12, 2021

Keeping a great distance

Keeping a great distance
An edge and fear of height
A repulsion from awe
A gripping holding tight

A swallowing of whole
Total immersing wet
A climbing to get out
After the sweat on sweat

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Ombra della sera

Both ancient and modern
So what of this design
Each verse making a quilt
Embroidered by the mind

Like "The Evening Shadow"
Elementary yet
A complex equation
Leaving one as its net

We will never forget

We will never forget
Yet we have forgotten
We spend our days eating
The ripe not the rotten

Applauding the sunshine
Cheering the victory
Thinking about tomorrow
And not the history

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Plucked from the trough of souls

Plucked from the trough of souls
Wrong at the beginning
Taught success in life is
Purely based on winning

The hollyhock of hearts
Amid the choking vines
Their serpentines of life
Versus the straighter lines

Surviving together

Surviving together
Bringing each other strength
Pushing and pulling each
Moment to greater length

Allowing a future
Undecided or planned
Encompass and protect
A vehicle two-manned

Friday, April 9, 2021

Celebrate together

Celebrate together
The company alive
Minds like instruments let
The orchestra arrive

Tuba to triangle
Sober thoughts, fantasy
No limits or judgments
Crickets to symphony

Thursday, April 8, 2021

I had to ask myself

I had to ask myself
Then refused to answer 
This, my predicament 
My own form of cancer

So it led to demands 
I finally came through 
But when I heard myself 
I responded “Not true”

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Far from the ocean where

Far from the ocean where
Waves like pages flipping
The sand beneath my feet
Like time and tides slipping

Where clouds without shadows
Ethereal and white
Are above blank pages 
Where ships set out to write

Avoiding the abyss

Avoiding the abyss
Hostas are pushing up
The daffodils waving
The open tulip cup

Closing the bitter mouth
Extending arms in grace
Placid plateau of peace
Moving with a waltz pace

Passing time with knowledge

Passing time with knowledge
Discovering the knowns
People in retrospect
The meaning of poems

Reacting and reaching
Deriving conclusions
Making mental footnotes
Inviting inclusions

Saturday, April 3, 2021

The beauty of the small

The beauty of the small
Pond ripples and plant seeds
The whisper of kind words
Where a narrow path leads

Petals falling from dreams
The dirge of passing youth
A collection of thoughts
Forming cairns of our truth

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Robins are making nests

Robins are making nests
Not at all astounding
Another Spring is here
Evidence surrounding

Yet the thrill is profuse
Like seeing an old chum
A waiting gratified
With time, a change will come